Message: Global Chairperson, Women Economic Forum and ALL Ladies League
Dr. Harbeen Arora

Dear ALL,

ALL and WEF started with humble sparks of sisterhood and have today emerged as a powerful mega movement for sisterhood and our collective empowerment and enabling.

Our Vision is to bring Wealth, Wellbeing and Welfare to ALL of Humanity, irrespective of caste, creed, gender, generation, religion or political affinity.

Our Mission is to connect as many women in trust and togetherness so that we can encourage entrepreneurial action and collaborations by women for ALL, which will bring us economic independence and leadership prowess.

Our Path is that of sisterhood and brotherhood so that our vision of Gender Equality and Empowerment is without Gender Divisiveness.

Our Code of Conduct is of ALL Positivity and No negativity, with an ethos of helpfulness and remaining non-political, non-religious and non-dogmatic.

Today, we are a robust global network of 800 chapters and having outreach to 100,000 inspiring women. We have also launched Mission Million as our Milestone 2020 by when we hope to be connected to a Million sisters; a humble step toward connecting a Billion.

What is the thought process of ALL :

Also known as ‘ALL’, a most inclusive acronym that stands for our concept and culture of loving inclusion, ALL Ladies League (ALL) is dedicated to the expansion of well-being, wealth and welfare for ALL.

We are connecting women from ALL parts of the world to foster a worldwide web of women and thus creating a strong collective self for women.

ALL is a positive global movement in uniting the world through feminine leadership and friendship in an era of major individual conflict, depression, anxiety and intolerance due to rising religious fanaticism, extremely competitive environment, decline of value systems and narrow selfish thinking.

ALL is a movement and thought for change, for introspection, for rationality, for tolerance, for faith, for goodness, for kindness, for generosity, for societal values, for peace and prosperity both of the individual and society, for collective responsibility, for ethics and above ALL for the wellbeing of the entire world as enshrined in the ancient wisdom of praying for the happiness of the entire universe since in that lies the happiness of the individual – “Samasta Loka, Sukhino Bhavantu,” a vedic prayer that means “may ALL worlds be happy and at peace within.”

The collective interconnected self is integral to creating this powerful vibration of Love ALL over the world. Take for example a droplet of rain: Alone, it will simply slide down from the mountains and get lost. But those tiny droplets that get channeled and flow together as a stream and become a full river flowing in ONE direction will definitely – most definitely – reach the Sea.

Indeed, when we come together as One Heart and move toward One Purpose, we shall certainly attain it.

What is our vision overALL :

We believe that we can ALL help create a consciousness and a vibrational ecosystem of Love that will bring out the best in ALL. For instance, in Indian music a specific raga has the power to make manifest a specific reality and invoke the elements. So you can materialize the rain, or fire, or winds, through the vibrations you create. Likewise, I believe that the vibrations of Love thus co-created by ALL of us will make Love manifest in every part of the world and in every aspect of life.

Therefore: Love is our path. Love is our means. Love is our goal.

We have experienced in Goa a microcosmic reality of this inspired vision: Women at the conference in Goa told me that they now felt ‘ready to move mountains,’ and many among audiences told me that they felt in the midst of an “ALL Humanity League” as we spoke for ALL. In fact, this became the defining feedback for us to now accept men as members as well  (more testimonials on:

How we work across ALL our chapters worldwide:

As we are connecting diverse realities and influences , we offer much freedom and flexibility to our chairs in different parts of the world, be it for leading a chapter, committee or chakra (a special interest group).

This creativity and vibrancy is integral to our approach, since more than being a chamber or an organization, ALL is a constantly growing and evolving entity, with an ever expanding mindset of inclusion. The only force or glue to keep it ALL together is our adherence and emphasis on our universal code of conduct characterized by kindness, helpfulness and enthusiasm.

Also, as we connect women and men from everywhere, there is no “single” or overarching group that dominates the agenda or approach at ALL. In fact, to help manifest ALL energies and expressions of loving enterprise, we encourage a multiplicity of smaller groups that can spontaneously coalesce around a certain shared interest, bond or aspiration.

At a functional level, the smaller groups drive innovation and communication much more, as they are nimble, responsive and result-oriented. At a vibrational level, the smaller groups function like “wheels” of energy, or “chakras,” which through their unique vitality are the veritable driving force at ALL – awakening the dormant spiritual “Shakti” or kundalini within each.

Why ALL Women Economic Forum in May during Buddha Purnima every year:

To grace our bold endeavor of awakening ALL, we also beseech the Cosmos for its blessings. Need them ALL !!

We thus always conduct the conference during the sacred full moon dedicated to Lord Buddha.

Buddha Purnima, as it’s called in India, is a most powerful full moon and cosmic configuration as it marks the enlightenment of Buddha. It also marks his first sermon and also the day that he gained Ultimate Consciousness.

Full moon, epitomizing fulsome feminine energy, when combined with the peaceful and calming energy of the “Buddha” or soulful state of mind, can bring forth the Great Awakening in each individual.

The Buddha state is characterized by calm and compassion. The Goddess ‘Shakti’ energy is characterized by love and expression. Both harmonized, make way for an energy of love that is kind, caring, inclusive, forgiving and compassionate.

When we are striving to awaken the pure and kind hearts of ALL women as in the Buddha state of being, we are striving to create an extended ‘womb’ for the Goddess energy to emerge and uplift ALL of humanity.

Our only role is to then keep the pure and joyous energy levels connected and elevated so that the Benevolent and Beatific Forces of the Universe are aligned with us and our endeavors and we can ALL create a shift in consciousness toward more love and harmony.

How we see ALL women’s role:

Women’s role in this task of transformation is to be “Soul-diers” – fearlessly lighting the lamps of love again and again and again, and ensuring that they are never blown out by the tremors of terror, fear, hate and intolerance.

It is time for the Goddess within each woman to emerge and walk amongst us a Soul-dier: one who is a Harbinger of Change; one who is proactively Uniting the World; one who with her drive and dedication is Transforming Lives; and one who with her goodness and unending love is Expanding Hearts and Mindsets eternally.

We are hoping that thus uplifted and energized, women will LEAD with more vigor and LOVE with more wholesomeness. As MORE GOOD goes into the hearts and minds of ALL, MORE GOOD will certainly come out ALL.

How can ALL help ALL :

In Goa, at the magical Women Economic Forum 2015 conference, we had a great start. It is now up to ALL of us to make it greater.

This is how ALL can help make ALL greater: Bring in more women. Bring in more love. Bring in more men. Bring in more understanding. Bring in more youth. Bring in more vibrancy. Bring in more talents. Bring in more creativity. Bring in more excellence. Bring in more inspiration. We will connect it ALL together with the glue of purity, passion and purpose.

And then we will see how miraculously each one of us will become more than the sum total of it ALL.

I invite ALL to experience this new awakening and lead this togetherness in motion.

With ALL of you, this dream is destined to be.

Dr. Harbeen Arora
Global Chairperson
Women Economic Forum (WEF)
ALL Ladies League (ALL)


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